American Indian Movement (AIM), is an inter-tribal organization that works within the areas of sacred sites protection, preservation of culture, language, ending the exploitation of Native American Spirituality and cultural misappropriation. AIM takes direction from the territories that we are living on as guests, such as Chumash, Tongva, Tataviam, Kumeyaay, Cauhilla and Acjachemen Nations.

The Center for Biological Diversity works to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. They do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive.

The Coalition For A Safe Environment (CFASE) is a nonprofit community-based organization based in Wilmington, CA that seeks to improve environmental health and justice in the Harbor communities near the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

Communities For A Better Environment (CBE) works to build people power in communities of color and low income communities in California to achieve environmental health and justice by preventing and reducing pollution and building green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments. CBE provides residents in blighted and heavily polluted urban communities in California with organizing skills, leadership training and legal, scientific and technical assistance, so that they can successfully confront threats to their health and well-being.

East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice (EYCEJ) is an environmental health and justice non-profit organization working towards a safe and healthy environment for communities that are disproportionately suffering the negative impacts of industrial pollution. Through grass-roots organizing and leadership building skills, EYCEJ works to enable under-represented communities to be heard, which in turn influences policy change, policy makers and agencies that can institute health protective environmental justice policies that are in the best interest of local, regional, and statewide residents.

The Esperanza Community Housing Corporation works to achieve comprehensive and long-term community development in the Figueroa Corridor neighborhood of South-Central Los Angeles. Community residents of all ages and ethnic backgrounds are the foundation of Esperanza’s grassroots work.

The Food & Water Watch California team works with local communities and a broad range of environmental and social justice groups statewide to ban fracking and other destructive oil and gas drilling, and to stop corporations from controlling and exploiting our water and agriculture. Their organizers are active throughout Los Angeles and Ventura, Santa Barbara, Monterey and Butte Counties along with the San Francisco Bay Area.

Greenpeace is the world’s largest independent environmental organization fighting to end deforestation, ocean destruction, global climate change and save endangered species. Our local chapter allies are located in Orange County & Los Angeles.

The Harry Bridges Institute (HBI) was founded to meet a pressing need to educate a new generation of workers about the rich history of the labor movement; to demonstrate the working community and to showcase and celebrate the contributions of labor leaders as well as rank-and-file trade unionists, not only in the founding of unions, but in the continuous struggle for worker’s rights. The HBI promotes a positive culture for labor by recognizing the contributions working class people make not only to their unions but the communities in which they live.

Idle No More (Los Angeles Chapter) calls on all people to join in a peaceful revolution, to honor Indigenous sovereignty, and to protect the land and water. INM has and will continue to help build sovereignty & resurgence of nationhood. INM will continue to pressure government and industry to protect the environment. INM will continue to build allies in order to reframe the nation to nation relationship, this will be done by including grassroots perspectives, issues, and concern.

Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) works to create a healthy, just and peaceful world for both the present and future generations. PSR’s mission is to address the many dangers that threaten our communities, using their medical and public health expertise to prevent nuclear war and proliferation, reverse our trajectory towards climate change, protect the public and our environment from toxic chemicals, and to eliminate the use of nuclear power.

Sacred Places Institute for Indigenous Peoples (SPI) is an Indigenous-led, community-based organization advocating for environmental, social and cultural justice and works locally, regionally, and globally to build the capacity of Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples to protect sacred lands, waters, and cultures.

The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter is a group of outdoor enthusiasts & environmental activists in Southern California. They lead hikes and outdoor activities while fighting to protect California mountains, deserts, rivers, wetlands and coastal waters. Their local missions include improving local air quality, protecting and improving our water resources, and advocating for cleaner energy choices.

South Bay Clean Power is the citizens’ working group researching, educating and encouraging local South Bay cities to form a Community Choice Energy program. Their goal is to get South Bay cities on the fastest pathway to a 100% renewable energy future.

Families Lobbying Against Refinery Exposures (FLARE) is a community group made up of concerned residents located throughout the South Bay. They act as community watchdogs, working to ensure that the health and well being of South Bay residents is weighed as heavily as the needs of the Torrance Refinery. Their mission is to educate and empower residents so that they may call upon their representatives to ensure that Torrance Refinery is operating at optimal safety for workers and the surrounding South Bay community.

Stand Together Against Neighborhood Drilling (S.T.A.N.D. LA) is an environmental justice coalition of community groups that seeks to end neighborhood drilling to protect the health and safety of Angelenos on the front lines of urban oil extraction. We are concerned residents, good neighbors, communities of faith, environmental justice champions, researchers, nurses, students, mothers and fathers. Above all, we are Angelenos.

Stop Fracking Long Beach strives to secure a safe and healthy environment for all Long Beach residents by working to ban fracking and other forms of extreme oil & gas extraction. This mission is to put an end to extreme extraction in Long Beach while fighting for a just transition towards a future powered by 100% renewable energy.

Long Beach 350 is a grassroots group of ordinary residents with an extraordinary passion for climate justice, working to make Long Beach a cleaner, greener city. Fighting against extreme extraction, port emissions, and refinery pollution, their mission is to create local solutions for the global climate crisis.
350 South Bay Los Angeles works in the communities of the South Bay (Beach) cities as well as the Los Angeles Harbor alongside environmental justice allies and other community and environmental groups to address the impacts of climate change, support a just transition to 100% renewable energy and seek environmental and social justice for front line communities.