SoCal 350 is partnering with Brown’s Last Chance, a campaign involving hundreds of public interest, environmental, health, justice, faith, labor, community and consumer organizations from California and around the world. Together, we are urging Governor Brown to stop the build out of dirty fossil fuel infrastructure, keep oil and gas in the ground, and take immediate action to protect those most vulnerable to climate change. Over 750 state, national, and international groups have signed on to a letter to Governor Brown calling for these actions to prevent further harm to our health, our communities, and the climate. Sign the #Brown’sLastChance petition here.

The urgent realities of climate change require urgent action; they demand of us “courage and imagination,” as Gov. Brown himself has said. Yet, under his watch, California has continued to aggressively drill for dirty oil and gas. This is causing California’s carbon emissions from extraction to increase and threatens millions of people who live in the shadow of refineries and drill rigs.
Californians and communities around the world are seeing the effects of climate change first hand. They’ve watched their neighbors’ homes burn, waded through flooded streets, and endured record-breaking temperatures. In addition to climate impacts, oil and gas extraction threatens public health, safety, and natural resources. Communities near oil and gas development have higher rates of asthma, premature birth, birth defects, and acute illness, including increased risk of breast cancer. These impacts disproportionately harm low-income communities and communities of color, deepening this health and justice crisis. We must do better.
Sign the petition to tell Governor Brown to commit California to no new fossil fuels and put us on a path to real action on climate change and healthier communities.
Oil and gas production in California, both on land and offshore in our waters, is a significant obstacle to doing what science says must be done to prevent the worst outcome from climate change. We need Governor Brown to:
- Ensure the state of California grants no new permits for oil or gas drilling, fossil fuel infrastructure, or petrochemical projects, both onshore and offshore.
- Set a global precedent by announcing a phase-out of oil and gas production with a fair and equitable transition that protects workers, communities, and economies, starting in places that are suffering most from the impacts of dirty fuel extraction and infrastructure.

As Governor Brown has said, there are few places as well-equipped as California to boldly lead this change. True climate leadership will help protect the health and safety of 39 million Californians and ensure a more equitable and healthy future for the billions of people around the world who look to California to help set the course.
It’s time for Governor Brown to step up. Click here to sign the petition.
SoCal 350 Climate Action
Already signed on?
Make sure to read Bill McKibben’s LA Times op-ed outlining how Governor Brown has only tackled half of the climate crisis. As his term winds down, now is #BrownsLastChance to keep fossil fuels in the ground.
Plus, after you sign the petition, don’t forget to share the message on social media:
- California needs a phase-out of oil and gas production with a fair & equitable transition that protects workers, communities, and economies. Join @SoCal350 alongside nearly 800 organizations signing #BrownsLastChance petition: