Tejon Ranch Centennial Specific Plan (or Centennial) is a massive planned city in a unique, rare, fire-prone wilderness of grasslands and mountains, a residential and commercial development in LA County. The Board of Supervisors will be deciding the fate of this incredible resource, and people are encouraged to speak out via the petition, calling their representative (numbers and talking points below), or showing up at the hearing in Downtown Los Angeles on December 11.
If you’ve driven on the I-5 freeway between Northern or Southern California, you’ve passed through one of California’s most biodiverse ecosystems-Tejon Ranch, where California’s Great Central Valley, Mojave Desert, Sierra Nevada, and South Coast meet high in the Tehachapi mountains, near the Angeles and Los Padres National Forests.
Tejon is home to the California Condor, San Joaquin Kit Fox, California Spotted Owl, the Tehachapi Slender Salamander, Pronghorn Antelope, just a few of the region’s estimated 80 species! There you will find the most diverse oak tree population in California. Tejon Ranch sits on one of California’s last remaining wild grasslands that bloom with masses of wildflowers during the spring.
Listen to our EcoJustice Radio show covering the issues as Dr. Nick Jensen from the California Native Plant Society and Jack Eidt from Wild Heritage Planners and SoCal 350, discuss the dangers to urban sustainability, fiscal health of LA County and the impacts on wild and endangered plants and animals with host Jessica Aldridge.

30,000 acres of this rare ecosystem is under threat by the publicly traded Tejon Ranch Company’s Tejon Ranch Centennial Specific Plan, which in addition to multiple proposals for commerical and residential development, proposes the construction of a new city with more than 19,000 residences and 10.2 million square feet of commercial development.
Join 350 SoCal, The California Native Plant Society, and the Center for Biological Diversity in an effort to #StopCentennial! Tell your LA County Board of Supervisor that the Centennial is the wrong vision for our community.
Use the California Native Plant Society’s following talking points to call LA County Board of Supervisors’ offices and demand they vote NO on the Tejon Ranch Centennial Specific Plan:
1st District: (213) 974-4111
2nd District: (213) 974- 2222
3rd District: (213) 974-3333
4th District (213) 974- 4444
5th District (213) 974-5555
Centennial is bad for public health and safety.
- The project is located in an area designated as a fire hazard severity zone.
- The proposed city is located directly along the San Andreas Fault.
- It adds 75,000 more cars to already congested highways.
Centennial is not the answer to California’s housing crisis and represents poor planning.
- The Centennial site is far from job centers and public transportation.
- Public transit has been ruled out due to a prohibitive price tag of more than $33 billion.
- The project would require an $800 million taxpayer investment to widen Highway 138.
- Long commutes will be costly for Californians seeking affordable housing.
Centennial is bad for the environment.
- It threatens to destroy more than 5,000 acres of habitat for hundreds of plant and animal species.
- It severs habitat connectivity between three ecological regions.
- And disrupts migration corridors that are becoming increasingly important with climate change.
In solidarity,
Paula, Lydia, Jack, Gavin, and the SoCal 350 Team